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How To Paint Motorcycle Fairings

How To Paint Motorcycle Fairings

By Ride Tillidie

Motorcycle enthusiasts often cherish the idea of customizing their ride, and painting the motorcycle fairings is a great way to start. In this guide, we will address the question: how to paint motorcycle fairings?

Whether you’re an experienced DIYer or a novice, the process of painting your motorcycle fairings can be a thrilling experience. The transformation of a dull or chipped fairing to a vibrant, personalized one is genuinely satisfying.

Remember, painting motorcycle fairings requires patience and precision. But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through every step of the way. Let’s embark on this journey of customization together!

How To Paint Motorcycle Fairings

Before we dive into the process, it’s essential to understand the components involved. Painting motorcycle fairings involves preparation, actual painting, and finishing. Each step is crucial and contributes to the final outcome – a transformed, customized, and visually appealing motorcycle.


Before diving into the painting process, it’s essential to prepare your motorcycle fairings properly. Here are the steps you need to follow for a smooth and successful paint job:

  1. Remove the Fairings: Firstly, remove the fairings from your motorcycle. This will allow you to work on them more easily and prevent any damage to other parts of your bike.
  2. Clean and Sand the Fairings: Using a mild soap and water, clean the fairings thoroughly to remove any dirt or grease. Then, sand them lightly with fine-grit sandpaper to create a smooth surface for painting.
  3. Fill in Any Imperfections: If there are any scratches or dents on your fairings, use body filler to fill them in. Sand the filled areas once they are dry to ensure a smooth and even surface.
  4. Mask Off Any Areas: Use masking tape and newspaper to cover any areas of the fairings that you don’t want to be painted, such as logos or emblems.

Painting Process

Now that your fairings are prepped and ready, it’s time to start painting!

  1. Choose the Right Paint: It’s essential to use high-quality paint specifically designed for motorcycle fairings. Automotive acrylic enamel is a popular choice as it provides a durable and glossy finish.
  2. Prime the Fairings: Before applying any color, it’s crucial to prime the fairings. This will help the paint adhere better and prevent chipping or peeling in the future. Apply a thin and even layer of primer to the fairings and let it dry completely.
  3. Apply the Base Coat: Once the primer is dry, it’s time to apply the base coat color. Use smooth, even strokes and make sure each coat is evenly applied. It’s recommended to apply at least two coats for a solid base.
  4. Add the Clear Coat: After letting the base coat dry, apply a clear coat for added protection and a glossy finish. Apply at least two coats, allowing each one to dry completely before adding another.
  5. Let Everything Dry: Once you’ve applied all the necessary coats, let your fairings dry completely. It’s crucial not to rush this step as it can affect the final result.
  6. Reattach the Fairings: Once everything is dry, carefully remove the masking tape and newspaper and reattach the fairings to your motorcycle.

See more: How To Park A Motorcycle

Tips for a Successful Paint Job

Tips for a Successful Paint Job

A successful paint job depends not only on the process but also on other factors. Here are some tips to ensure a stunning finish for your motorcycle fairings:

  1. Choosing the Right Environment: Selecting the right environment for painting is crucial. An indoor, well-ventilated, and dust-free environment helps prevent dust or debris from sticking to the wet paint and ruining your effort.
  2. Invest in High-Quality Materials: Don’t compromise on the quality of materials you use, including paint, primer, sandpaper, and masking tape. High-quality materials ensure a better finish and longer-lasting results.
  3. Patience is Key: Remember, painting is not a race; it’s a process. Take your time during each step, especially when applying paint and letting it dry. Rushing can lead to unsatisfactory results.
  4. Test Before Applying: Always test the color on a small, hidden part of the fairing or a scrap piece of material before applying it to the entire surface. This can help ensure the color is exactly what you want.
  5. Maintain Consistent Spray Patterns: When spraying the paint, maintain a consistent pattern for an even finish. Overlapping your strokes by about 50% can help avoid lines or streaks in the paint.

Remember, the outcome of painting your motorcycle fairings largely depends on your patience, precision, and attention to detail. Happy painting!


When it comes to painting motorcycle fairings, we understand you may have a number of queries. Let’s delve into some of the most frequently asked questions and provide a comprehensive understanding on this topic.

What are the key considerations when choosing paint for motorcycle fairings?

Choosing the right paint for motorcycle fairings is absolutely essential for a quality finish. The type of paint used can greatly affect the durability, appearance, and longevity of your motorcycle’s fairings. Automotive acrylic enamel paint is a popular choice due to its durability and glossy finish.

However, urethane-based paints are another solid choice. These paints offer excellent durability, are resistant to chipping, and are available in a wide variety of colors. Irrespective of the type of paint you choose, ensure it’s designed to withstand the heat and weather conditions your motorcycle will be exposed to.

Can I perform touch-ups on my motorcycle fairings?

Yes, touch-ups on your motorcycle fairings can be performed depending on the severity of the damage. Minor scratches or chips can easily be addressed with a touch-up paint of the same color.

For the best results, clean and sand the damaged area before applying the touch-up paint. A clear coat should also be applied after the touch-up paint has dried to ensure a glossy finish and additional protection. However, for extensive damage, it might be necessary to repaint the entire fairing.

Is it necessary to use a primer?

Yes, using a primer before painting your motorcycle fairings is crucial. A primer acts as an intermediary layer between the fairing material and the paint. It helps the paint adhere better to the surface and provides a base for the paint color, enhancing its vibrancy. Moreover, a primer can prevent peeling or chipping of paint in the future, contributing to the longevity of your paint job.

What should I do if the paint starts peeling off?

If the paint on your motorcycle fairings starts to peel, it’s crucial to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage. Begin by removing the peeling paint using a scraper or a blade, taking care not to scratch the underlying surface.

Once the loose paint is removed, sand the area with a fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out the edges and create a surface suitable for repainting. Apply a primer, followed by the base paint and the clear coat, allowing sufficient drying time between each step. Following these steps can help restore the appearance of your motorcycle fairings.

Final Thought

Painting motorcycle fairings can be viewed as both a necessity and an art. This task not only enhances the overall look of your bike but also protects it. With patience, precision, and the right materials, you can transform your motorcycle into a stunning piece of machinery.

Don’t be daunted by the process. Like any skill, learning how to paint motorcycle fairings takes practice and time. But the effort you put in is rewarded tenfold when you see the results. Even if you’re not entirely satisfied with your first attempt, don’t give up.

Remember that every coat of paint you layer on serves a purpose. From the prime coat that ensures adhesion to the base coat that delivers color and the clear coat that gives that desirable glossy finish, each step is critical.

So, next time you’re about to embark on this journey, reflect on this guide. Remember that the right environment, quality materials, and patience are key to a successful paint job. Now, get out there and paint the town – or at least your motorcycle fairings!

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